Overview of HANN model
Propose two kinds of review attentions, namely, intra-review attention and inter-review attention.
- The first one can reflect the word difference in a review
- the latter one can explore the importance of different reviews towards a user/item.
Present a framework of hierarchical neural network named HANN to integrate the two kinds of review attention. The well-designed hierarchical attention mechanism helps the model capture user profiles and item profiles, making them more explainable and reasonable.
intra-review (word-level)
element-wise product of user-item pair
compute weighting score for each word in reviews
$a^{*}{j} = W^{T}{a}ReLU(W_h h_j+W_u v_{u,i}+b_1)+b_2$
compute attention score
$a_{j} = exp(a^{}_{j})/Σexp(a^{}_{j})$
and then , reflexts the importance of each word for user-item pair
$h=Σ_{j=1,2,…,n} a_j h_j$
inter-review (review-level)
element-wise product of user-item pair
compute weighting score for each reviews
$\beta^{*}{j} = W^{T}{b}ReLU(W_{s}(s_j \otimes p_j) h_j+W_v v_{u,i}+b_3)+b_4$
compute attention score
$a_j = exp(\beta^{}_{j})/Σexp(\beta^{}_{j})$
and then , reflexts the importance of each reviews for user-item pair
$s=Σ_{j=1,2,…,n} \beta_j (s_j \otimes p_j)$
Hierarchical Attention based Neural Network for Explainable Recommendation [name=D Cong] [time=2019]